AWS Secrets Manager or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store?
AWS Secrets Manager is actually for databases
Published: Friday, Mar 25, 2022 Last modified: Sunday, Mar 2, 2025
When choosing a secrets manager, AWS offers two products:
It’s easy to choose Secrets Manager with it’s attractive features like “Rotate passwords automatically”. Unless you are using Secrets Manager with a database, secrets manager is probably the wrong choice!
Secrets Manager is for databases

Secrets Manager is designed for facilitating secure access to databases, and you can see this by their Store a new secret wizard.
Secrets Manager collects more than one secret
Typically a Secret name /dev/my/app
becomes a large JSON file of secret values when you Retrieve secret value.
You should create a Secret name for different secrets, but the AWS
console’s user interface (mistakenly) encourages you to add secrets on /dev/my/app
values. This is because Secrets Manager is designed for databases!
"hostname": "",
"username": "larry",
"password": "kensentme",
"port": 3306
Secrets manager has an automatic history that not many people realise!
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id secrets-for-func --version-stage AWSPREVIOUS
If you mistakenly put a secret in the wrong Secret name, it’s painful to fix!!
Secrets Manager has features that set it apart from parameter store, like the ability for secrets can be generated upon created (in Cloudformation), hence not visible even for the creator. These random strings are typically used for setting up RDS.
Despite Secrets Manager being great with RDS, you probably should be using an RDS IAM Role (if your DB supports it) to access your database nonetheless!
Use parameter store secure strings
- This is best practice for storing secrets.
- It can also keep public values, which is useful operationally.
- Encourages granular access.
- Use the description field to describe where that secret comes from! (Instead of stuffing the secret into a Secrets Manager JSON)
- Strings are versioned / auditable.
- Secrets cost money, parameters do not. But parameters are throttled.
Trivial to access from the CLI
if test "$1"
aws ssm get-parameters --names $1 --with-decryption --query Parameters[0].Value --output text
aws ssm describe-parameters
Secrets Manager has attractive features like cross region replication and the ability to share secrets with other accounts, but it’s most likely the wrong choice for you.
Use parameter store secure strings for storing secrets. And programmatically access them without using environment variables please!