There are 860 pages currently on this tech focus site of Kai's. Kai's personal blog is called Natalian. 249 blog posts and 611 tips Last 10 blogs Insulation — Avoid cold bridging UK's water and weather — Depending where you are in the United Kingdom, the conditions can be very different. JustPark SMS ripoff — Using an app to pay for parking is almost double the price of cash Database Performance — Key Performance Indicators - Response time, Errors, QPS, Threads running Connecting to MySQL — Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket The problem with UK Politics — UK Politics is dominated by condescending attitudes to human capital UK vs SG income tax for the salary man — Visualising income tax bands between the UK and Singapore Single Income Household — Are single income households viable in England? Github Action Trunk based development IaC — A path to production using trunk based development for infrastructure as code Hayfever treatment — My hayfever treatment routine in South West England Last 10 tips youtube-dl in 2023 — Downloading a video off Youtube What process is using my port? — Starting ... on localhost:9229 failed: address already in use Glossary of Electric Vehicle terminology — With examples of said terminology Searching for a git commit message — fatal command line, '[FOOBAR-1234]' Invalid range end How to move horizontally — You could / search or ... Cloudwatch Insights — Surfacing errors Learning to train — Crib notes for how to deliver training Terraform a role — Why is this so hard? Helm secrets — Where are secrets set in values.yaml in Kubernetes? Terraform Import — Managing a VPC in Terraform