Least Privilege in Practice
You can't start from the bottom, it wastes time
Published: Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022 Last modified: Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025
The Principle of least privilege is often mis-understood as starting from Zero privileges and working out what privileges that particular role needs and adding them…
This bottom up approach has a significant trade off, it wastes time!
It’s not practical in most cases to go in tedious iterations and examine errors to work out what required permissions. Often the permissions errors are not verbose for a start, not giving you enough information to make permission additions!
Even AWS suggest:
You might start with broad permissions while you explore the permissions that are required for your workload or use case. As your use case matures, you can work to reduce the permissions that you grant to work toward least privilege.
Start with Administrator Access
{ "Action": "*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" }
The line above aka AdministratorAccess makes people very nervous but it’s the only practical way to proceed when starting to deploy new projects, ideally in new accounts.
Work backwards
Once you have your service working, you start dropping privileges. Ideally the IAM Access Analyser would be useful here, but often it’s not.
Best practice often means dropping IAM privileges (e.g. AWS Power User), then to managed roles and then trying to specific about the resources it affects.
However note that when you re-provision from scratch you often need the IAM privileges again to bootstrap!
The Goal is least privilege
You can get there in two ways, top or bottom, the efficient way to get there is starting from the top with AdministratorAccess, like it or not.