Sony A7IV settings for running subjects
Settings for capturing runners
Published: Wednesday, Apr 5, 2023 Last modified: Sunday, Mar 2, 2025
- Shutter speed 1/800
- F5.6
- AF-C, Wide auto focus
How I cull the photos
I use tags to find the “keepers”.
Shift+Command+P in Finder can help preview the image.
Photo mechanic
There are tools like Photo Mechanic that are renowned for being fast at importing & culling photos, even with raw files, but I haven't tried them in a good long while. Free 30-day trial.
— Stephen Shankland (@stshank) April 4, 2023
This software seems to be better aware of how photographers take bursts in the sense you can sort groups chronologically (date order), but have the groups (burst) in reverse chronological order with the idea that the later pictures are probably the keepers.