Kai Hendry's techy posts
- Darragh Power Cut
- Praze Smart Meter
- Mac Mini Family display
- European Competitiveness
- How to fix the most impactful AWS RDS Slow queries 🐢
- AWS SSO with Google Chrome profiles
- Insulation
- UK's water and weather
- JustPark SMS ripoff
- Database Performance
- Connecting to MySQL
- The problem with UK Politics
- UK vs SG income tax for the salary man
- Single Income Household
- Github Action Trunk based development IaC
- Hayfever treatment
- T14g3 Wireless woes
- UK divided by weather and water
- BUPA experience
- Royal Mail Parcel Collection gone wrong
- Macbook Air M2 Repair attempt
- LLM token cost
- LPG boiler upgrade wanted
- Minecraft
- Stripe Deleted
- OSS sponsorships
- Automative Grade Apps
- Infrastructure Capabilities
- Software Cornwall 2024
- Working as a team with Kanban
- VScode Regex
- Mikrotik Wifi6
- Best Microphone
- iPhone Repair UK
- Deploying a Lambda
- Gitops
- Subscriptions
- Coffee Setup
- What Tesla owners want
- Appealing a Car parking fine
- French Social Security
- Finding filter coffee
- Go's Dockerfile journey
- Apex log to Structured log
- UK Cost to Drive a Mile
- Google Kubernetes Engine on GCP
- Opentelemetry Collector for Kubernetes
- DORA metrics failure
- Top serverless mistakes
- AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Pro Preparation
- AWS Learning notes
- Go VsCode Editing experience 2023
- Container Lifecycle
- DaVinci Resolve FCPX
- Build From Source
- Terraform vs Cloudformation
- Youtube and my kids
- Sony A7IV settings for running subjects
- Does Dockerfile USER prevent Linux container breakouts?
- GoCD versus Gitlab
- Mac Nix
- AWS SAM Developer Experience
- oracledump
- Apex Up Logs
- NixOS Intrigue
- NixOS at first
- Separation of Duties
- No dist-upgrade
- Restricted Stock Unit ⬆️⬇️
- Why use AWS Customer Managed Keys?
- Effective Meetings
- Gitlab Workflow
- Security Principles💂
- Dual Monitor with Archlinux
- My issues with terraform
- Thinkpad or Apple
- Archlinux / MacOS clipboard bindings
- Why Learn Makefiles
- Gitlab Terraform
- Devops Is Dead
- Least Privilege in Practice
- Post Pandemic Malaysia
- Five Step Engineering Process
- Post-Pandemic Office Space
- Self Service in Infrastructure
- Path to Production
- Landing a "tech" job in Singapore
- Slack Survival Tips
- Lumix GH5 to Sony Alpha A7 IV
- Rechargable batteries
- Do not complicate Serverless architectures with Private subnets
- AWS Secrets Manager or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store?
- Don't put secrets in your ENV
- Code Editing in 2022
- Serverless or CNCF Kubernetes?
- Xbox impressions
- Javascript to a strongly typed language..
- Lazada vs Amazon
- Ordering US products from Amazon in Singapore
- Casio GW-M5600 is not worth repairing
- Multi Cloud Serverless Cold starts
- Helper with COVID positive
- My first Payment integration
- Identifiers
- Stamp Duty in Singapore
- Mitigating security risks with NodeJS
- Security Headers
- Weekly Iterations
- Systemd Journal to Cloudwatch
- Global Protect Man in the Middle
- eSIM sucks when your phone dies
- Kids Authenticate to Microsoft
- suckless Second Display
- My fears with the agile development methodology
- Apple Weight Scale
- Scalable Prometheus Architecture
- Atlassian tips
- Thinkpad vs M1
- Zola SSG review
- Fixing Hotel TV
- Better Hotel Wifi
- Roku Streambar review
- Is Java really faster than Go?
- Debugging methods
- Diagrams for documentation
- Java vs Go
- Secure or not?
- Is Batch Bad?
- Microservice Timeouts
- Google Workspaces Chat Rooms suck
- Automated Gsuite Export
- A make build tool that sucks less
- FTTP in Cornwall
- Audio Visual tips for Zoom, OBS, Youtube etc
- Serverless "Iteration Speed" Survey
- Amazon Certificate Manager Pro Tip
- Amazon Transcribe
- Quad Lock cases - new and old side by side
- Thinkpad T480s for sale
- Google Pixel 4a Repair cost in Singapore
- Updates / Upgrades and breaking the runtime
- Understanding FCPX bundles
- Lenovo ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 errors
- 5G - a Race to the Bottom
- Passive versus Active Power over Ethernet
- Account Security
- Knowledge Worker Needs
- When DevOps goes bad
- AWS SAM's HTTP interface sucks
- Shop Front
- Other filling iPhone storage
- Sony ZV-1 notes from Singapore
- SLOC the Web
- AWS SSO versus Oauth
- Thinkpad T480s sdcard slot failure
- Excel shortcuts for Archers
- Keeping colleagues in the loop
- How to hand hold a computer user
- TASCAM DR 40 background Noise
- Failed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect professional exam
- Singapore Payment Requests could be a LOT better
- What Working Group Tools?
- My First SAP
- National COVID2019 Websites
- SAP-C01 AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional scrap book
- TODO tracking
- AWS ECS Workflow
- ECS Questions
- Devops Evolution
- Whats the difference between a Docker container and a Virtual machine?
- Do Not Btrfs Device Remove
- Wiping a Xiaomi Mi Note
- Caddy in Docker
- Samba Sharing With Undelete
- Openwrt Rescue
- First Impressions of Django 1.9
- Developing Docker Container Workflow
- Wireless AC Only Works When Stupidly Close to the AP
- Addressable Hostnames
- Mail from a VPS using AWS SES from sandbox mode
- Web IRC Logger
- Webkit on Rpi2
- APIs Must Send Time
- Javascript API Barriers
- Foscam C1
- Upgrading PHP for Security Reasons
- SanDisk Ultra USB3
- Evergreen PHP
- Centralisation Censorship Side Effect
- Rsync or Btrfs
- Screencasting From Archlinux Gotchas
- 7 Days to Leave Hiveage
- Hiveage Grievances
- A Suckless Video Editor Proposal
- Git-Annex-Shortfalls-for-Me
- Archiving IPhone Images With Archlinux and Ifuse
- Two Web Navigation Expectations
- Singapore Speed on Singtel 500Mbps 2015
- Docker Container Update Workflow
- Vhost Docker Container
- Invalid Value for Project
- Experiencing CoreOS+Docker
- How Much Does It Cost to Run an Archlinux Mirror on EC2
- Back to Bash After Fish
- Macbook Air Early 2014 Archlinux
- S3 Permission Policy Confusion
- Howto Join MP4 Files
- Good Riddance Netctl
- Systemd Network on a Droplet
- Iperf SG:DigitalOcean Versus GPLhost
- USB3 Disk Testing
- Watching HTML Video on Youtube Without Flash
- Minimal Dovecot
- Understanding CoreOS
- Cloning Hosts
- Cloning a Disk
- Google Groups Is Kafkaesque
- Makefile Based Static Site Generator
- Highlighting a Region in a Screenshot
- Systemd Powertop Tunables
- Metrics
- Pptpd VPN IPhone
- Scrot Upload Your Screenshots
- Sharing an Internet Connection in Archlinux
- Minimal Squid3 Proxy Configuration
- How to Create a FAQ That Does Not Suck
- AH01630: Client Denied by Server Configuration
- Android Market Search
- Packaging the Web
- Email Etiquette for Corporates
- Domains NOT Paths for Web Applications
- TFL Bike Stations
- Private Support Email
- Business IRC
- Alarmed About DAP Calendar
- Depending on the Mobile Web
- MWC2010 Web Geek
- N900 Developer Tips
- N900 Mobile Developer Paradise
- Starting N900 Development
- Why Policies
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Widget Mapping Quirks
- Signed Widgets
- JIL Versus BONDI on Security
- Mobile Gaming
- JIL Versus BONDI
- Contribute Widget Tests
- PDF-a Versus HTML
- Web Browser Printing Comparison
- UK PAYG Internet Comparison
- Widget Test Framework
- Mobile Browser Test
- NetFront Widgets Player First Look
- HTML5 ISO8601
- Widgets Are Simple Offline Packages
- Mobile Domain Names
- Fixed Mobile Design Is Ok
- Degrading Widgets
- Display None Wont Work on Mobiles