Published: Friday, Jan 22, 2010 Last modified: Sunday, Mar 2, 2025
Wow, something that usually takes a couple of days has been achieved on a single day with the n900. I brought up the Web stack on maemo5! I am so excited, I am going to share my notes with you in order to kill some time.
There is a proper libwebkit-1.0-2 maemo package by Christian Dywan, though I just do things manually myself to get to know maemo5 better.
32bit Debian squeeze i7 hetzner build machine made life a lot easier.
Installing the SDK was painless via a couple of shell scripts found:
sb-conf select FREMANTLE_ARMEL
[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb fremantle/sdk free non-free
deb-src fremantle/sdk free
deb fremantle/tools free non-free
deb-src fremantle/tools free
deb fremantle free non-free
deb-src fremantle free non-free
I had to add extras-devel for something. I don’t know why it isn’t on there by default.
On the host system, /scratchbox/users/hendry/home/user
is the working directory.
I had to build:
- gail-1.22.0 (wtf is this crap)
- glib-2.22.4
- libsoup-2.28.1
- xmlsec1-1.2.12 (my stuff, not needed for Webkit per-se)
- And a fairly recent WebKit checkout from 12/2009 with a few patches
(Later found out Christian has patches to remove gail and enchant. Nice.)
Try build things into /usr/local in order not to screw up the rootstrap and to know what stuff to copy across.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
I hate configure. You GNU guys have brought me to the edge of insanity and back.
When building, make -j8
speed things up a bit on a i7 machine. :)
For some reason or another some arm generated Webkit stuff is b0rked. Fixed with commands like:
cp WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitenumtypes.h /scratchbox/users/hendry/home/user/webkit/WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitenumtypes.h
cp DerivedSources/CSS* /scratchbox/users/hendry/home/user/webkit/DerivedSources/
If you see:
undefined reference to hildon_g_scanner_cache_open
That means maemo5 is going nuts because it can’t find some brain dead hildon patches my own sane glib. Simply implement the function like so:
void hildon_g_scanner_cache_open() {}
And the nightmarish thoughts of rebuilding a new gtk with hildon go away. Btw I noticed that -lselinux somehow snuck in the build process. Had to remove it manually from the Makefile.
I would like to build some Debian packages, though I need debhelper7. I
dislike the previous versions like 5 currently installed on Fremantle. Also dpkg-buildpackage does not seem to understand -j8
. wtf!
Copying arm built stuff to the device
ssh -A
forwarding does not seem to work. Rsync seems a little unreliable
directly from the device. So I first rsync down from my remote build server
like so rsync --progress -artv .
and then scp stuff to like this scp -r * root@n900:/home/opt/
Turn off the n900’s wireless power saving to avoid transfers STALLing.
root fs does not have a lot of space! So use /home/opt
Nokia-N900-42-11:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 227.9M 195.6M 28.1M 87% /
ubi0:rootfs 227.9M 195.6M 28.1M 87% /
tmpfs 1.0M 68.0k 956.0k 7% /tmp
tmpfs 256.0k 84.0k 172.0k 33% /var/run
none 10.0M 72.0k 9.9M 1% /dev
tmpfs 64.0M 4.0k 64.0M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2.0G 316.0M 1.6G 17% /home
2.0G 316.0M 1.6G 17% /usr/lib/python2.5
2.0G 316.0M 1.6G 17% /usr/share/pyshared
2.0G 316.0M 1.6G 17% /usr/lib/pyshared
2.0G 316.0M 1.6G 17% /usr/share/python-support
2.0G 316.0M 1.6G 17% /usr/lib/python-support
/dev/mmcblk0p1 27.0G 481.3M 26.5G 2% /home/user/MyDocs
Argh, I hate Python.
To get the stuff running, I source a script:
Nokia-N900-42-11:~# cat setup
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:/usr/lib
export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH
. ./setup
And run my freshly built arm binaries.
Summary: maemo5 is a mobile developer’s paradise.