Adding lists

Published: Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007 Last modified: Saturday, Mar 8, 2025

import operator

>>> list1 = [1,0]

>>> list2 = [1,2]

>>> list3 = list1 + list2

>>> list3

[1, 0, 1, 2]

Ok, that is one way, here is another:

>>> list3 = map(operator.add, list1,list2)

>>> list3

[2, 2]

Another comment from the very helpful #python, is:

08:40 < deltab_> Numeric.add(list1, list2)

08:43 < tarook> get pynumeric

14:02 < hendry> How would I combine/append ['hi', 'there'] and ['!', '.'] to ['hi!', 'there.'] ?

14:03 < Jerub> hendry: map(operator.add, l1, l2)

14:03 < moshez> hendry: [x+y for (x,y) in zip(l1, l2)]