
Published: Wednesday, Dec 26, 2007 Last modified: Monday, Feb 10, 2025

How to turn SELinux off:

setenforce 0

Permanently disable selinux via /etc/sysconfig/selinux file OR (much harder) make sure your webpages/directories have the correct selinux objects assigned for the httpd process Urm, we have users and groups I gripe. Why SELinux? The answer: selinux = mandatory access control (role based) non-selinux = discretionary access control, see SElinux provides an additional security environment (various hooks into the kernel and services), permissions (rwxsst) are still all recognised and supported with selinux enabled. You can think of SELinux as application sandboxes. SELinux allows a administrator to set policies in a centralised way user/group methods are user based while SELinux is administrator enforced. Setting up SELinux contexts is not really hard. You can setfiles and chcon to do it easily. Thanks very much to dcsrhat and mether from #rhel on Freenode !!