Editing Javascript in vim in Docker
Can neovim + plugins actually functionally beat Visual Studio code?
Published: Sunday, Oct 31, 2021 Last modified: Saturday, Mar 8, 2025
I’m spoilt by vim-go, goformat, goimports, a vim IDE that works productively for programming Golang.
Now since I code in Javascript for work, especially for the AWS Cloud Development Kit I want the same features in vim!
The test
UPDATE: This test assumes Javascript, and for proper completion typescript types is more pragmatic.
git clone https://github.com/kaihendry/sam-cdk-app-demo.git
Open lib/aws-sam-cli-cdk-hello-world-stack.js
Add an incorrectly formatted console.log, will it get reformatted on save?
Remove runtime: from the lambda.Function
constructor. Is the editor (or
integrated language server) smart enough to auto complete / suggest that
runtime is mandatory and needs to put back?
Next test: Setup a dynamodb table. Can the editor automatically import “@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb”?
Dockerized neovim
To reproduce issues with my own setup and others, I’m going to try different neovim configurations with the help of Docker containers.
I wouldn’t realistically edit using Docker because it’s far too slow to startup!!
docker run -it --rm spacevim/spacevim

A whole bunch of text errors on startup. Er next!

completion sucks, no autoformatting. Docs are nice though:

Removing runtime, then correctly suggests I need runtime back:

If I save the file without runtime, there is no warning that my program will fail. Tbh VScode doesn’t seem to show my program will fail either missing runtime!
Now adding:
const atable = new dynamodb.Table(this, "hello-world-table", {

I give it 2/5 rating. It’s probably coc-tsserver at fault or probably me.
Seems hinged on neovim 0.4x. Moving on..
First to warn me:
[coc.nvim] No ESLint configuration (e.g .eslintrc) found for file: /app/lib/aws-sam-cli-cdk-hello-world-stack.js
Completion seems useless:

Is CoC even working??
Fails to build:

A different sort of python build error!

Could not get it to open lib/aws-sam-cli-cdk-hello-world-stack.js
mjlbach put me onto his LUA based neovim configuration: https://github.com/nvim-lsp/try.nvim/blob/master/typescript/init.lua
I will probably switch to using https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim without a Docker image.
hrsh7th/nvim-cmp is the Autocompletion plugin, not “nvim-compe” which is deprecated.
UPDATE: Complete rewrite in https://github.com/kaihendry/nvim
This is my project for my own sanity checking with CoC!
Auto complete on console.
is sensible:

Docs are OK

But it doesn’t seem to work on CDK. No docs.
- Doesn’t show runtime: is missing, if I remove it from
new lambda.Function
- No auto imports – do I need a jsconfig.json ??
- Don’t actually understand how I should get format on save working. Do I need a eslintrc in https://github.com/kaihendry/sam-cdk-app-demo ??
I learned two things about editing Javascript with vim.
First, for a experience comparable to the exemplary vim-go you need to ensure you’re actually working with TypeScript Types. This is actually non-trivial for smaller packages where type definitions are contributed by the community.
Neovim departs from vim with its LUA language integration and its inbuilt
language server :LspInfo
. I think I will give it a try. I encourage you to
try too:
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=sh -v $(pwd):/src quay.io/nvim-lsp/try.nvim:nightly-typescript
That said, don’t get FOMO. Editing vim without this crazy configuration is actually the better place to be!