Absolutely minimal Hugo static site
Published: Monday, Sep 28, 2020 Last modified: Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024
I prefer this over the https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/ which asks you to download a heavyweight/complex theme!
This currently works in Hugo Static Site Generator v0.75.1/extended:
hugo new site minimal
cd minimal
echo "<h1>Hello World</h1>" > layouts/index.html
hugo --disableKinds=taxonomy,taxonomyTerm,RSS,sitemap
Notice you require a layouts file, and look up order is quite complex!
Markdown (with .md suffix) goes into the content/
directory, and you need to
modify your layout template to show that content, like so:
echo -e "<h1>layouts</h1>\n{{ .Content }}" > layouts/index.html
echo "# content" > content/_index.md
However _index.md
only works on the index and has special
properties that cause
confusion. For a more generic solution you need to create
hugo new site ${1:-"testing"}
cd ${1:-"testing"}
mkdir layouts/_default
echo -e "<h1>Hello from layouts</h1>\n{{ .Content }}" > layouts/_default/single.html
echo "# Hello from index" > content/index.md
hugo --disableKinds=taxonomy,taxonomyTerm,RSS,sitemap
Note in many cases your Markdown in Hugo requires Frontmatter. So just bear that in mind when creating more markdown posts.
To create content at an arbitary path like /foo/
, use this pattern:
hugo new site ${1:-"testing"}
cd ${1:-"testing"}
mkdir layouts/_default
echo -e "<h1>Hello from layouts</h1>\n{{ .Content }}" > layouts/_default/single.html
mkdir content/foo
echo "# Hello from foo" > content/foo/index.md
hugo --disableKinds=taxonomy,taxonomyTerm,RSS,sitemap