Rebuild in Codepipeline

Retrying a build which occurred for a previous commit via Codepipeline

Published: Friday, Oct 22, 2021 Last modified: Saturday, Sep 7, 2024

I’m afraid it is not possible to run an older source version with CodePipeline without actually reverting your source repository back to that version. Thus, in order to re-build the previous source you will have to manually run the build using “Build Overrides”. Please refer [1] for more information on Starting builds with Overrides.

Looking at “3c162bb73076c3466c07f93cd3c360e2086f8df6” it seems to be the CommitId of your source which triggered pipeline execution ID “ca6dbfc5-7c9e-47c4-bd67-f2044ed610d4”. The build for this pipeline was started at " 2021-10-08T10:08:09 UTC" which appears to be build with BuildId “dev-spm-backend-codebuild:59734478-07e0-430c-ab29-652b9b8e32d3” for which the source version is “arn:aws:s3:::dev-spm-backend-codepipeline/dev-spm-backend-code/codepipeli/FIA02gi”.

You can retry a build with this source version using the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the build project.

  2. Click on “Start build with overrides” button.

  3. For the “Source version” field enter “arn:aws:s3:::dev-spm-backend-codepipeline/dev-spm-backend-code/codepipeli/FIA02gi” and click on “Start build”, this will start a build with the required, previous source.